leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
coming to grips with the power I weild conscious or unconsciously
A number of times over the past couple of months I have felt uncomfortable in my own Americo/Caucasian skin. I am a player in the most powerful nation/system the world has ever known. I am an American. I hail strongly from the United States whatever that means. I wonder why? This “land of the free” this home of “the brave” I am not so proud of. The more I learn about where we have been, and the things we’ve done, the more I see where we are and where we are going the more I feel ashamed. I don’t know what it means to be an American and a Christian too. Some days the two seem so opposed to one another.
I am because we are. I am powerful. Power precedes me where ever I go. The shadow comes first. I am powerful because we in America have been and are powerful. How then do I go out into this world in love when power precedes me? What will disarm the power-projection and release relationship? All I can imagine is leading with some sort of apologies. Opening with…greeting with…meeting with…reaching with…”I’m sorry for _______________ .” I can’t see any other place to start.
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