leading with QUESTIONS
Thursday, April 21, 2005
heating up
As things heat up with DA Carson's new book BECOMING CONVERSANT/EMERGING CHURCH : Understanding a Movement and Its Implications and Andrew Jones leads the emergent bloggers response I am totally tuned in.

It is so crazy to be in Kentucky right now. Within days two very high profile events are playing out. The first is the Worship-Art-Liturgy-Preaching Conference and the second is this:

James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Prison Fellowship's Chuck Colson, and Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler are hosting "Justice Sunday," a telecast this weekend from a mega-church in Louisville, Kentucky. Their message is that those who don't support President Bush's judicial nominees are hostile to "people of faith."

For more on this see Jim Wallis, author of God’s Politics, at www.sojo.net.

Things are boiling over. It's a wonderful time to live. New things are coming to life and old things are passing away. That's a bit in code. But basically I am find myself in the emergent camp trying to carefully navigate in new territory. But it is exciting and promising for the church. There's no way back. I see no other options. It's risky, but it is the only way forward. Others may try and hunker down and pull back, and hold onto "sacred structures" and ways of understanding the faith. But intutively I see those groups unable to survive tomorrow and unable to speak to anyone today. I am proud of what is taking place in the public forum through emergent blogs. They are open, engaging, honest, incarnational - they take on the criticism and engage with it rather than just fight it! May the Spirit lead the church toward love and mission - unity and justice. We owe it to the world He loves so much and came to save.

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