leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
4 days in Chicago
Spent four days in Chicago with ITeams folk. This was our "immersion" weekend. We met up with Mark Soderquist (and family) who live in Lawndale (one of the poorest communities in Chicago). The Soderquists have been living their among the primarily African American community for 15 years. They are serving the church down their and have paid some dues for racial reconcilliation. Our time with Mark was amazing. I sure hope his story surfaces somewhere soon (wink!).

The conclusions (in faith and practice) he has come to through listening to the prophetic voice of the African American community are hauntingly similiar to the whole of the "Emergent Conversation". THIS IS FACINATING. I look forward to staying connected to Mark personally. I can't say enough here. I am processing the whole thing through video - much of what I shot during our four days. Hopefully you'll find the link here when I am finished...

On a similiar note we connected on Friday night with Emmaus ministries. We spent some time in the gay community. One of the IT'ers and I ended up in Roscoes. This was amazing...Ruthie and I began a conversations with quite a few folks. My homophobia was taken by storm as the guy named Mark just totally help me understand his world. The experience undid alot of my "stereotypical assumptions" and absurd fears. I was exposed. This was awesome. We (the church) have much to learn from this community. We have much to forgive.

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