leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
writing from ITeams HQ
hola from IT. Spending all day in classes learning about IT and their whole game for sending people out. This has been good for Tania and I, we are out of our Olympia circle and connecting with new folks. There is cool group of younger folks who are going to be serving as "interns" for IT over the next few months in different places in the world...each one going somewhere different.
I sat with a group late into last night and we had some interesting conversation. I was suprized by the some of the churchianity that bubbled to the surface...it was cool though cause I didn't blast them away with some of the crap and questions that been going through my heart and head lately...I was quiet for a bit then had a chance to offer up a couple of questions that I was wrestling with...it was like testing out new shoes. And the shoes fit...its like I have had them in the box for a long time and just now I am getting the chnce to try them out a bit...I am happy though.
I know who I am and where I am (not where I am going really)...but I feel safe in this place of extreme uncertainity and clouded vision. Safely placed there...like I am supposed to be there...
Anyway this whole excercise of being at mission organization and doing training has been good because it gives me a chance to think and feel the rub of things I just don't go for anymore...and other things I see the need more than ever... blah blah blah...
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