leading with QUESTIONS
Monday, December 06, 2004
I am reading a book this morning called For the Beauty of the Earth...below the auther quotes a stimulating piece from Sierra,
"Having created God in man's own image, Western religion has adopted an anthropocentric mythology that separtates God from Creation, soul from body, and man from Earth. It is this dualism that prevents us from relating not only to the natural world, but to ourselves."
The author asks in Chapter 3 "Is Christianity to Blame?" (for much of the ecological crisis we find ourselves in...chapter 2 is pretty much a sobering summary of this crisis...it kind of haunts me...) I think the answer will not be that we are entirely to blame, but indeed we have played a significant, if not the most significant role in our pending destruction...
That is if it isn't "all gonna burn in the end anyway." That was the mantra I was raised on...and yet it is also one I can no longer live by. Systems fueled by odd dualistic polarities are for me, more and more lending themselves more to hatred than to love.
Can we think long enough and deep enough about our participation in these sinful systems? And, further, then can we actually to chose to live outside of these systems, in willful obedience obedience to the Christ who loves this world we make our home in?
I better keep reading...
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