leading with QUESTIONS
Monday, December 13, 2004
24-7 in Ibiza
This article was supposed to go through Rolling Stone, but lost out to something else and ended up here.

So I have sent words back and forth to Jonah for a while...he's is one of the dudes mentioned. I can appreciate what these folks are attempting for God...actually back in 99' Tania and I were part of a team from our college that spent a week in Cancun doing something similiar. But the short term stuff is too airy. There just isn't enough relationtional space to be Jesus if one is only there a week or two. It's those who live there and do that thing incarnationationally that excite me. It seems to me, that would be more risky and radical, but also more authentic and promising in terms of sharing Jesus with others...

24-7 prayer deserves props for moving in these places...sure it's messy...and sure they're aren't perfect...but is what I do clean? and am I perfect? Absolutlely as the vodka no!

May the Light be seen as it shines in deeper and deeper darkness. May you, oh Lord protect your loved ones who bear your torch in such places as these...

...and may people see you and know you, and begin to live for you and in unfolding discovery of your great mystery of the ages.

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