leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Barna Update-11/9/04
A bi-weekly e-mail from George Barna
Last week’s election focused much attention on the “values voters.” People with strong religious convictions were said to be a major reason for President Bush’s re-election.

Again, I have strong "religious convictions" (evangelical too) that led me to vote for the Senator. As if people who did note vote for Bush do not have values? That's odd. I think many of the values held by voters who voted for Kerry indeed are remarkable. Here are a few:

Care for the poor and destitute vs. securing fortunes and lifestyles of the rich and selfish
Avoidance of war at all cost vs. preemtive aggression (which to this day is unjustified)
Anti - imperialistic vs. American Sovereignity around the globe
Sober patriotism in light of global concerns vs. patriotic idolatry
Concern for justice beyond the borders of the USA vs. solely looking out for american interest
Basic human rights for our global community vs. ignoring those less fortunate than ourselves

Do we have a global responsibility to love our neighbors in this day an age or not? Dare we try and justify ourselves by saying as one hypocrite once did "Jesus, who is my neighbor?"

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