leading with QUESTIONS
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
what if the best way to love people...
what if the best way to love the church...
what if the best way to love Christ...
was to offer myself in relationship?
In as much as I am who I am right in the moment and express what I feel and discern and think...in as much as I bring that to the table and enter into relationship with others...

I mean don't we simply amuse ourselves or hide? Those are the two ways of being with people that I observe and do normally live out...with others. But isn't there another way of being with people, a way of loving others? Is it possible to offer myself to others? To really listen and abandon my self serving agendas? To ask questions that most often are left aside as to not offend? To speak what I really believe and not what the other wants to hear, or what will amuse them, but what I think right then? Is it possible to trust the creator to work and bring life out of the chaos I produce? (some of these thoughts prompted by DF who has lived this out to me, to whom I am so grateful!)

I have been living with Psalm 62 this week and found convergence this morning as I realized that God is not my refuge. For I am my own refuge...I withdraw to the relative safety of silence instead of offering myself to others. Naturally "my enemies"...well I have none...for in my own place of safety, in my own fortress of self protection enemies can rarely be made.

The voice of Christ to me today: make me your refuge - offer your self to others unreservedly then wait on me to become your safe place. Hide no longer within your castle of self love and self protection. Love me. Love others....

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