leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
I just found this piece of advice (can we even call it that?) very hillarious...

" The cross, pitcher, laver and crown are the four symbols that join to illustrate the central theme in The Christian and Missionary Alliance, that is: Jesus Christ is our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King. The globe represents our mission in the world. Together they form the C&MA logo which is the registered trademark of The Christian and Missioanry Alliance.
The C&MA logo should be represented with the four main elements in a solid color. The globe should be 50 percent of black or a color that it lighter in shade than the four main elements. The trademark or “TM” should appear to the lower right of the logo.
While the C&MA logo has been separated into individual TIF images, the separated symbols may only be used for educational purposes (such as membership classes, Alliance history, etc.) and cannot be used alone or modified into a new identification image." (as copied from the cma website)

"...and cannot be used alone or modified into a new identification image." Huhh?? Talk about killing creativity...

Do we really care about logo's that much? Is there that much rich meaning in this pretty bland symbol?

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