leading with QUESTIONS
Monday, July 19, 2004
moby right on on the right...
check out these throughts by moby on Christian right. I so much appreciate him for this kind of stuff. Notice his humility in saying that he "doesn't know." Notice alot of good stuff in there...
------------------posted on moby.com-----------------------
I'm Baffled - The Christian Right7/19/2004 - New York City
i've written about this before, but i'm baffled by the priorities and teachings of the christian right in america.
it's safe to say that two of the most important issues for the christian right are abortion and homosexuality. and this makes no sense to me.
well, because christ spoke of many things, but he never spoke or taught about abortion or homosexuality. he spoke about love and forgiveness and non-violence and compassion and humility but he never mentionedabortion or homosexuality.
which isn't to say that christ would approve of abortion or homosexuality. it's my guess that christ would, as was his wont, be more concerned with the individual than with their action, but who knows, i could be wrong about that.
it does seem mystifying to me, however, that the christian right are so obsessed with these two issues that christ never mentioned.
and yes, homosexuality does get some attention in the old and new testaments, but not in the gospels. and abortion is never mentioned, although it does say 'thou shalt not kill' in the 10 commandments. but if it says 'thou shalt not kill' in the 10 commandments, and christ says (to paraphrase) 'not only shouldn't you kill anyone, you shouldn't even be angry with them' then why are the christian right so often pro-war and pro-death penalty? it does seem safe to say that christ wouldn't be pro-war and pro-death penalty if he were alive today. it's also fairly safe to say that christ might say something to the christian right along the lines of:
'why are you guys so obsessed with 2 things, abortion and homosexuality, that i never mentioned in the gospels? hey,if you're going to be obsessed with some issues why not be obsessed with love and forgiveness and compassion and taking care of the poor? and why are you right wing christians always so angry and judgemental? didn't you see that part of the gospels where i said: "judge not lest you be judged"? and "work out your own salvation before you start judging others"?'
i just find it eternally odd that so many christians are obsessed with issues that christ never mentioned but they seem to pay no attention to the things that christ actually said.
p.s-i have to reiterate that i have no idea what christ's attitude would be towards abortion and homosexuality, and in writing this i'm in no way putting forth the thought that christmight approve of either practice. i just have no idea cos, as i've said, they are two issues on which he never spoke.
He's right on you know it?
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