leading with QUESTIONS
Monday, April 19, 2004
that's a wrap!
So that's it. The sermon went down. I spoke on John 20:19-31 - the story of Thomas - and doubt. I basically tried to paint a picture of honest doubt as way that God can strengthen our faith. I used a central question rather than an exegitically extracted statement to shape the sermon. That was stretching for me - because I know there are those in the church who are not very comfortable with me doing that. But overall the response I got was very encouraging. Every time I am "in the pulpit" I experience both feeling of playful fun and complete dread at the same time. I can explain it any clearer than that. I am not scared of scewing up instead I am honestly afraid of the ways that "some" those faithful few, those guardians of doctrine may be thinking.

Anyway it goes without saying that creating space in Christ communities for people to express and engage their honest doubts is a must. As I expressed on Sunday "our faith must float" alongside every other claim to truth or meta-narrative that exists. We must let it be seen for what it is alongside prevailing idealogies and new ways of seeing reality. It's gamble, it's hard, it will necessarily refine the Christian faith, but the only other option I see would be to "duck and run for cover." I was not made to do the latter. I hope my message is a step for the community in the right direction.

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