leading with QUESTIONS
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
I couldn't believe it happened...
My wife (Tania) and I had an unexpected deep and disturbing conversation last night. For the first time we questioned "the call." Up until this point we have been setting our course according the call. Missions degree at simpson => Accredidation with the CMA => Home service here in Lacey Church => working towards ordination => Blah, blah, blah...some day a missionary...right?

But what is this call thing? How can somebody claim to know exactly where God wants them to serve? All we know is that the shape God is giving us lately isn't fitting in very well to the shape of "the call." Still questioning this "call" thing...

On another note...the ugliest thing in the world is ungrace. It's pointing out peoples mistakes and highlighting them. To show grace is to make room for others failures, no matter how large or how small. I saw ungrace when driver screeched his car to a hault after not noticing a man in crosswalk. I saw it when the man (completely unharmed) stopped and stooped to eye level with the driver pointing repeatedly to the sign on the pole flashing "walk." I saw it when the man who felt threatened took a highlighter and pushed it down hard across another man's mistake. His actions shouted "IDIOT!!" to all who looked on.

I must learn to give people grace.

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