leading with QUESTIONS
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
put it out there
Enjoying Newbigin today (and the answer is "No!" I don't ever get anything done at work to all of you who are wondering). He never uses "the" word (postmodernity) yet he nails it man. Heres a quote that really reaches:

"...the call to the church is to enter vigorously into the struggle for truth in the public domain. We cannot look for the security which would be ours in a restored Christendom. Nor can we continue to accept the security which is offered in an agnostic pluralism where we are free to have our own opinions provided we agree that they are only personal opinions. We are called, I think, to bring our faith into the public arena, to publish it, to put it at risk in the encounter with other faiths and ideologies in open debate and argument, and in risky business of dicovering what Christian obedience means in radically new circumstances and in radically different human cultures."
- Truth to Tell, p. 60-61

I am realizing I have long held, and we leaders of the church too, the belief that the Christian faith needs us to hold it together. That is it our job to defend it, to encourage it, to make sure it happens, to "get it done" and whatever else. The problem with living under this fear/belief is that Christ gets demoted from his posistion as head of the church.

Could we "put it out there?" Light is shown for what it is only when contrasted by darkness. Light on light is/does/means little.

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