leading with QUESTIONS
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Emerging values or modern church madness?
Living on the fence can be uncomfortable. Yet when survival is at stake it can be so necessary. 'Caught in the middle' I love cold play. What I would give to do one of their shows.

On a different note...

The chasm grew ever darker - ever deeper yesterday. Prolife radicals camped on the WA State capitol campus, "Christians" bearing gruesome pictures "shocking the world" into changing it values about abortion. They were couterattacked by The Greener Army which marched up from Capitol Blvd and 4th armed with their own signs (one of which read "we need more men telling us what to do" - ironically a message the church would do well to listen to).

I was disheartend by both. The passion pointed hatefully at eachother projected out to the world. There has got to be a better place for passion. The "christians" make me sick. Meanwhile the greeners make me cry. And the chasm grows deeper. And none of seem to really get His grace.

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