leading with QUESTIONS
Monday, December 01, 2003
My brother once told me to dream big...and so I dream...

...I dream about being part of a Kingdom movement in somewhere like Spain among global-youth culture-post-postmodern young people. I dream about seeing the church set free to worship in unique ways and disciple people dynamically through relationship…I dream about the “next” church expressing it self vitally, with authority and respectability, with integrity and authenticity in a changing and rapidly paced global world. I dream about a church where love (on the level of the Christ on the cross) emerges obviously as our chief value and is clearly, through our daily living and backwards actions, speaking loudly to the world we live in with both feet… I dream of a church that may not know where the book Deuteronomy is in the bible…but has The Story of Grace tattooed on their bodies and hearts! And I am restless in Washington….

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