leading with QUESTIONS
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Clearly I am obsessed...
No not really. Just taken. Just taken in by the story (the prodigal). Working through it you could say. Speaking of stories - walked out of the Return of the King last night - wow! Incredible! Fantastic! Muey Fantastico! Anyway yah! What an incredible story. What intimacy. I went away scratching my head to my wife, wondering...what does that mean? That a couple of loyal little hobbits find enough courage to conquer all odds and save the world? Why are we so attracted to this thing? What's the pull? Does this story stir our souls in a way that reminds who we are and what life is about? Does this story cause us to remember and be drawn to a real and living Being who is full of goodness and pure love? Why does it move us so?
And I owe it all my friend Jordan. He pulled my leg to get me to go. Jord - it was well worth it! The sun is setting early here in Washington as we approach the shortest day of our year. (I think) Just doing life the best way I know how today. Maybe today was a little improvement on yesterday, maybe tomorrow will be a little improvement on today. To all the fellow travelers and Christ followers - blessings. Grace and peace to you (Ever noticed how Paul opens and closes his letters almost every time with those words? I wonder what he valued?) in, because of, and through Jesus Christ.
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