leading with QUESTIONS
Sunday, November 09, 2003
bangkokk day 2
It's like 10pm and I need to be in bed. But I am not...siiting next my friend Duane. He is uploading pic's of our trip to the U.S. ...nice! HE is the tech man - my personal tech savior...
Wild day in the city...spent the morning at an international church (CMA). That was nice. I have to say the people were great. Everything was nice...but....In a city like this I just feel there has to be more...the statistics about the sex industry here are tragic. Where is the church in this? Where is the missional community... I can almost taste it....is seems so close to me...the church exploding into these dark places...
Spent the afternoon exploring the streets and back allies - awesome... just sokeing everything in deeply. I need to have some quiet time and tune in if you know what I mean...Too tired must retire... sa-waa-dee-cap! (good night - thai)
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