leading with QUESTIONS
Sunday, September 21, 2003
I love the church. But I hate the Sunday Service.
All weekend I was priviledged to be a part of a relational event where we welcomed in people who are new to our church (or new to attending the sunday service rather). It was great. It was so different from what we did this morning. The two seem almost completely irrelated. I was wondering what people who experienced both we feeling.

We have created a monster in the traditional sunday morning service that we call church. It is less and less real for me. It is less and less meaningful. It's killing me and yet it's a slow death. Why don't we call the Sunday Service what it is...a strange semi-formal presentation on the subject of God...a meeting...a weekly rally...a solem assembly? It isn't church...as many times as we slap the name on our sign: __________ "Church" just isn't a church.

How do I see this so clearly and yet everyone around me seems to be missing it completely? What in the world do I do?

---stuck in both worlds--- jlb

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